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Olga Prokhorova also known as Olga IF is the main driver of equality, diversity and inclusion in Fashion at this moment.
Olga IF and her company Imaginative Fashion moda y complementos S.L wrote his name in history when she got this distinction in the Fashion category after a show, Worldvision Fashion Show, without precedents in which the largest number of models participated never before assembled in a catwalk from four continents.
A double Fashion Record had never been achieved on the same catwalk until the businesswoman OLGA IF managed to gather in Madrid on February 8, 2020, a total of 421 models belonging to 77 different nationalities.
GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® has just officially notified OLGA IF that both record titles are now official, after the strict checks to validate the results of your tests. In the case of title record ” Most nationalities in a fashion show” , the minimum required was 75 nationalities and in the parade held in Madrid models of 77 different nationalities participated.
Looking at the other title record “Most models in a fashion show ” was also officially beaten, when parading a total of 421 models, when the challenge was to overcome the 408 models parading.
In the Fashion show of the capital of Spain they participated in addition to professional models, models with different capacities, with serious ailments that they have managed to overcome, as well like other models belonging to countries in conflict.
The participation of these models has been possible thanks to the collaboration of refugee NGOs and international women’s aid associations, which have been involved for months in the selection of participants in the attempt to beat the two record titles GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® in Fashion in Madrid.
The most outstanding designers whose clothes have been part of the show doubly winner have been: Jelena Kepics (Hungary); Tirza (Mexico); Sandra Viera (Portugal); Fatkulina Sunduz, Tayana Alypova, Suziem Laboratory, Anastasia’s Laboratory Yarigina and Viacheslav Dongak, (Russia); Maison Mesa, Imaginative Fashion, Lina Rojas, Kidraws, Soy Gorda y Que, Inridelo and Cache Croche (Spain); Bqueen (Moldova); Kristina Marovic (Serbia); Rita Blondet (Puerto Rico); Janio Renwick (Panama); Valentina Hoyos Semanate -Valzemanate (Colombia); Soledad Villa (Ecuador); Bous Fashion (New Zealand); Lizz de Vidal (La Salvador); Charity (Uganda).
Specialists such as Marco Aldany Cavanilles, Workshop Experience, VFBL / Victoria Fashionland Beauty Lab and Sherezade Puryayevaly have done the styling
The challenge of the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® Fashion titles in Ma drid has counted, urthermore, with the following prominent professionals from the world of fashion and entertainment: choreographer Annick Angèle Allabi and Karel H. Neninger; the first dancer Kazan Opera and Ballet and Tatarstan artist Alina Shteynberg; fashion theater Edegey, Mister Tourism Spain 2019, Samuel Lopez Arcos; the model Miss Elegance Universe 2019, Kimberly Moens; Top model, Miss Social Media 2018 Sensemielja Sumter; Top 10 Finalist Child Model 2019 Jenya, among others.
About Olga IF:
Olga IF an extraordinary woman in every way who develops his life and career making his way in the fashion world breaking with all stereotypes and fashion standards, helping to meet dreams to children, women and men.
PRESTIGE AWARDS 2020 award winner,
She is currently in the Fashion market with two brands: Imaginative Fashion and Kidraws. The designs of Imaginative Fashion became very well known thanks to the appearance of 14 Olga IF creations in the USA TV show American Beauty Star, one of the shows most followed television channels in the United States. The look of Olga IF’s creations could be known for million television viewers who followed with maximum Attention the chapters in which the clothes of Imaginative Fhasion, one of the Olga IF brands.
Olga IF recently awarded in the World Folk Vision International Contest, organized by Eurasian Council of Culture Science and Education held in Sochi (Russian Federation) in September 2019.
She has been a sponsor and jury of various beauty pageants and contests International Fashion in Spain and other European countries.
Always determined to experiment with new creative fields, she has participated in the Showcase Competition in Madrid is Fashion 2019.
The list of publications in which Olga IF has been interviewed is endless, both in Spanish and international specialized magazines, highlighting Vogue, HOY magazine, SuenaFM, TASS, ABC, Europa press, Agency ELE, ABC, Europa press, La Vanguardia, Life Style Plus Magazine, Excellent Magazine, TV district, Tele 5, Madrid direct, TV and Radio More than POP, radio / TV Russia, among many others. Media from different countries (Holland, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Islands Maritime, USA, Russia, Spain, Colombia, Spain, Dominican Republic, Bulgaria …) have been interested in his career and his large-format projects, characterized by the ambition of their proposals and always with a perspective global creation and fashion.
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Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer possim assum. Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum claritatem. Investigationes demonstraverunt lectores legere me lius quod ii legunt saepius. Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum.
Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus parum claram, anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima. Eodem modo typi, qui nunc nobis videntur parum clari, fiant sollemnes in futurum.
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